Life after Corona…

Dr Gaurav Thukral
2 min readApr 6, 2020
Image Credits — Politico

Today is 1st April 2021. WHO has a word of caution declared that the PANDEMIC is wrested. But the world is a changed place

  1. The world has shrunk and families are living out of zoom ( video call ) almost the whole day
  2. Factory owners have planned STEPs because they are so used to see clean rivers that they don’t want to dirty it again
  3. People have taken up to walking, carpools because they have become so used to the chirping of the birds and clear skies
  4. Offices are working from home Tues, Thurs, Saturday although Sunday is still a holiday when no one voluntarily steps out.
  5. Video dance parties, Video kitty parties, are in vogue. Physical gatherings are being looked down upon.
  6. All top brands have brought masks as an essential accessory and so many varieties are there to choose from
  7. School curriculum now includes a compulsory period with parents at home, learning from their experiences
  8. Traveling for business or meetings is looked down upon. Virtual meetings are the norm
  9. Highest % of GDP is towards health and impetus is focused on virtual hospitals
  10. The obsessive-compulsive disorder list has debarred handwashing from its list.
  11. There is a huge spike in students who want to opt for medicine, nursing, police, delivery boy as these are the most paid and respected professions
  12. People feel getting a maid is highly intrusive and don’t want to give up on their independence



Dr Gaurav Thukral

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